Friday I had dinner with myB's mom and brother before the football game. Yum! Steak, potatoes, salad, Cheerwine, and key lime pie. (Cheerwine is like Carolina Faygo.) It was all sorts of fun and delicious.
Then I drove back to school for the football game. I got there about 15 minutes before kickoff. It seems football is a bigger deal than I expected. There was not a single parking space. I mean that all of the regular spots were taken, all of the grass spots were taken, and all of the sidewalks were taken. The areas that required driving over curbs were even full (though Jessica would have gone there in a heartbeat). So I went home and watched the game on TV. Yeah, they broadcast football games live. High school football games. Pressure? Expectations? Yeah. I think it's a bit over the top for that level of play.
Which brings us to today. myB's mom invited me to Green Creek Winery for their harvest festival. Instead of going to the blessing of the grapes, we went to the Junction. (I wrote about my last time there in this post.) myB's grandpa couldn't join us, so we snuck a bunch of fat back out in grandma's purse for him. Then to the winery!
(Sorry for the quality of the pics. I left my camera at school over the weekend and used my phone.)
They advertised grape stomping. This was apparently the apparatus for said stomping. They didn't do it while we were there.
There were a few vendors selling local wood craft, local pottery, and some jewelry from one of those catalogs of really expensive and gaudy jewelry that many women use as a supplement to their income by hosting parties and selling it. Except it was being sold here. When I was looking it over, there was a great English (or north Bostonian) woman with her parasol to keep off the sun who wanted to make sure that the bag she was using wasn't going to bend her new earrings.
There was live entertainment, what appeared to be a husband/wife, guitar/keyboard instrument duet called "Minor Adjustments". Utterly forgettable. That's why I framed them so far back.
Special guests: Ethel and Lucy! For the stomping, of course. You do know what the reference is, right? Please? Don't make me feel that old.
There were also a bunch of politicians there, including Kay Hagan, the woman who is running to oppose Senator Dole. Don't get me started on Dole or Hagan. I had lots of people wanting to register me to vote for them or take their literature. They weren't happy to learn I was from the next state down. Sorry for the awful quality of this. The woman in pink (who really was fairly fit) just slumped down and my camera autofocused on her back instead of Hagan.
We're planning on going back at some point to have a tour of the production process. They bill themselves as the inventors of the first red chardonnay. I'm not sure that's a good thing.
Oh yes. The grape stomping episode is right up there with the Vitameatavegimin episode! Big laughs!